We partner with trustworthy nutritionists and non-profits, who focus on providing education and wellbeing for children in need in Venezuela, a country where children are suffering from severe malnutrition.
For every Cerana product sold, healthy school meals will be given to feed children in need. This increases the chances for them to go to school and get an education
- The WHO (World Health Organization) has determined that HUNGER is the biggest health risk globally.
- Food Scarcity affects 815 million people in the world (1 out of 9 people go to bed on an empty stomach every night)
Source: United Nations World Food Programme (2016)
- Children are the most visible victim of malnutrition: "170 Million children in the world are underweight and
45% of deaths of children under 5 are caused by poor nutrition - 3.1 Million”
Source: UNICEF (2018)
- 66 million primary school-aged children attend classes hungry every day
Source: United Nations World Food Programme (2015)
- Approximately 60% of the total children population in Venezuela suffer from severe malnutrition
and 15 out of 100 children are at risk of death. In 2017, at least 5 children/week died due to malnutrition
Source: Caritas de Venezuela (2017)
A daily SCHOOL MEAL means better nutrition and improved health, helping children focus on education.